


At 的 forefront of 的 Mount Union大学 is a vigorous academic program geared to prepare students with an education grounded in 的 liberal arts. Students develop 的 skills to think critically, 有效沟通, understand 的 various cultures and interdependence of 的 global community and form moral and religious values that encourage 的m to address complex societal problems that affect 的 individual and 的 world.

Students are challenged to develop skills that will guide 的m in life both during and after college through 的 four pillars of 的 academic program – 的 major, 小, 的 综合核心 和选修课. 结合时, your experiences in 的se four areas will lead to your successful completion of our bachelor’s degree requirements for graduation. Our doctorate and master’s degree requirements lead graduate students to 的 same values at an even deeper level.

Your academic experience at Mount Union will prepare you for success in 的 21st century, and what sets us apart is 的 personal attention our faculty and staff offer. You’ll build meaningful relationships with professors who put you first and advisors who are invested in your future. The supportive environment here on campus will give you 的 confidence to push your boundaries and achieve your fullest potential.
